Valuation Services
Appraisal Review
Appraisal Management
Litigation Support
Expert Witness Testimony
Project Cost Estimates
Eminent Domain
Impact Studies
Market Studies
Right of Way
Electric Transmission Lines
Utility Lines
Mass Transit
Why Angel Valuation Services?
We have performed many complex assignments with rigid time constraints.
We are experienced with project schedule timelines. We provide quality appraisal reports completed on time!
We have the ability to complete projects of virtually any size or level of complexity.
We will quickly assign multiple appraisers to meet tight time constraints.
We utilize the latest technology to produce efficient appraisal reports delivered quickly to our clients.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
All appraisal reports receive an internal cumulative review by a state certified General Real Estate appraiser as part of our established QA/QC process. This helps ensure accuracy and consistency before finalization and delivery. With multiple parcel assignments, we ensure value consistency in part by value tracking each parcel as part of an internal review. Additionally, our management services ensure value consistency when multiple appraisal companies are engaged.
Other Services
Angel Valuation Services is unique in the fact that we can utilize subcontractors for any right of way acquisition service need. If you need further information on acquistion services for your project please fill out the form to contact us for more details.